.NET 6.0 Missing Project Templates

1 minute read

It’s been ahile that I’ve touched C# and .NET, the last time I’ve work was still on .NET Core 3.1. I’ve decided, to do playaround with net60 and serve as a refresher for me. My current development playground setup is to use VS Code Dev Containers, so I’ve decided to create to two Dev containers one for .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 6.0. In this way I can do a side by side comparision.

Enumerating and comparing Project Templates

I’ve run dotnet new --list for each dev container to list down the available project templates. In .NET 6.0, the following project templates are not present that are in .NET Core 3.1:

  • WPF Application wpf
  • WPF Class Library wpflib
  • WPF Custom Control Library wpfcustomcontrollib
  • WPF User Control Library wpfusecontrollib
  • Windows Forms (WinForms) Application *winforms
  • Windows Forms (WinForms) Class Library
  • ASP.NET Core wit React.js and Redux reactredux

In .NET 6.0 a new project template named EditorConfig file editor config is added. While in .NET Core 3.1 the project template Unit Test Project is now renamed as MSTest Test Project in .NET 6.0

Updating Project Templates

At times Microsoft updates there project templates, to get the latest update template, run the .NET CLI command dotnet new --update-check. This will list down the templates that has updates.

To update simply run dotnet new --update-apply to update and install the changes.

What’s next?

With NET 6.0 they’ve introduce so called top level statements and minimal APIs, on my next post I’ll compare the console project template between .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 6.0 and dig-in into top level statements.