Installing Git in Windows

1 minute read

Git has been one of the most use and popular tool and SCM when setting up a new PC / laptop for development. It is free, open source and can run on multiple OS such as Windows, Mac and Linux. This post is for people who are into software development and considered as a newbie on using SCM (source control management). The steps documented below might change over time depending on the version of the installer.

  1. Open your favorite browser and go to
  2. Download the installer by clicking the hyperlink “Click Here to Download”. Once downloaded, open/run the downloaded below.

Installation Steps

Installing Git through an installer is straightforward, below shows the installation steps by steps through captured screenshots. Use > to transition to the next screenshot, < to go back to the previous screenshot.

It begins displaying the General Public License information
Change the destination location if you prefer to install it on another drive or path
Select additional components as needed, most of the time no additional selection is needed
By default it would create a Start Menu, however users can also opt out by ticking the checkbox "Don't create start menu"
Choose the preferred editor, leave it as the default setting if you are not sure what to use
By default the branch created is master, after the incident on Black Lives Matter some software companies gives the option to change the default branch name into a different name
By default the recommended option is selected
Most of the time OpenSSL is selected
Use the default setting
Use the default setting
Use the default setting
Use the default setting
Use the default setting
Use the default setting
Viola yoo have just installed Git in your Windows machine

What’s next?

  • Installing Git in Windows is straightforward using the installer
  • Go to command prompt, type git version to verify if it was successfully installed
  • To learn more about git visit